What do we think about when contemplating The HOLY SPIRIT?
“I feel like we haven't given enough time and attention to who The HOLY SPIRIT is and how significant HE can really be in our lives and in the life of the Church. The HOLY SPIRIT is a gift JESUS promised to all believers, and ... as such we need to find out all we can about HIM. What should we do with this gift?”
GOD is omnipresent...HE is everywhere.
GOD is omniscient...HE knows all and sees all.
Understanding these concepts has everything to do with an understanding the work of The HOLY SPIRIT as the Presence of GOD in your life.
HE longs to be especially present with each one of us.
HE longs to be personally related to and engaged in an intimate relationship with each person on the earth and each person who has never lived.
The LORD is not satisfied with being some big eyeball in the sky.
The Gift of The HOLY SPIRIT
- Have you ever received a gift from someone, but you didn't know exactly what it was or how to use?
Personal Example: When my Mother opened some really big boxes one Christmas, and had no idea what the gift was until Bruce revealed that they were high quality sky lights.
- Aren't some of this type of gift meant to sit on a shelf and not used [like a “Blessings Jar”]; while some of these gifts are meant to be helpful in your activities [like a lap desk/breakfast tray]?
Imagine GOD giving you a really special gift to use, but at the time of its presentation you really don't understand what to do with it.
- What should you do?
Should you ask others what this gift is?
When you talk to others about this gift and ask for advice, should you rely on what they tell you its use is?
Should you rely on what they tell you about their experiences with this gift GOD has given to them as well?
Even well-intended people can be mistaken or have invalid opinions in their testimony of how this gift is useful in this life, like those who have written “tracts” for new believers which are in churches even today.
- Ultimately, where should we look to learn for the absolutely true instructions of how to use the gift GOD has given you?
The HOLY SPIRIT As “Alka Seltzer™”
- Why don't you read a package of Alka Seltzer sometime?
It claims to claims to has power; it claims to provide relief; and is claims to heal. Can these two quarter-sized tablets really do all that?
Well, maybe for a little while.
- Are releases of power, relief production and healing possible?
Yes, GOD Can Do All of This.
What would happen to you if I gave you some Alka Seltzer and told you to take it and neither of us knew how to use it, nor did we have the correct directions?
Could it hurt you or cause problems?
- Compare The HOLY SPIRIT to Alka Seltzer
When you talk to someone about The HOLY SPIRIT and HIS Power and how HE helped you or someone you know, but you don't really understand what the Scripture say about HIM, what could happen?
Could it hurt you and your faith or cause other problems like: confusion and discouragement?
- Look at the Alka Seltzer pack again.
How is the “power” released?
Just add it to water and the active ingredients come alive.
What does that look like?
It bubbles up.
Is it effervescent?
- What does effervescent mean?
Lively & High-Spirited.
- Once more look at the tablets' packaging label.
What are its inactive ingredients?
There Aren't any!
- Similarly, are there any inactive ingredients in The HOLY SPIRIT?
When a believer is filled with The HOLY SPIRIT and living a life fully within HIM, what should that look like?
Effervescent? Lively and High-Spirited?
- Is The HOLY SPIRIT like the Alka Seltzer with no inactive ingredients?
In your life does the Power of The HOLY SPIRIT shine through?
- Have you ever wondered if you even have The HOLY SPIRIT ?
How can you know for sure?
- Have you been baptized as a believer?
Acts 2:38
And Peter answered them, Repent (change your views and purpose to accept the will of God in your inner selves instead of rejecting it) and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of and release from your sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Galatians 5:25
If we live by the [Holy] Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit. [If by the Holy Spirit we have our life in God, let us go forward walking in line, our conduct controlled by the Spirit.]
- How do you know what to do with The HOLY SPIRIT?
Follow The Directions.
- Where are The Directions for knowing GOD and to live a healing relationship with GOD found?
- According to the above two Scripture passages, baptism [like the Alka Seltzer: just add the tablet (yourself) to water] and keeping in step with The HOLY SPIRIT lead to power being released in you.
So, what about those pamphlets available to anyone who comes to that church?
- How do you know who is telling The TRUTH?
Didn't the ones who wrote these pamphlets read the Bible religiously?
The Pharisees were also known for memorizing Scripture and knowing the details of GOD'S Law.
- So how do we know The TRUTH?
Do we pray?
Do we ask GOD to help us as we read HIS WORD?
Do we keep an open mind when reading Scripture?
Do we read to understand Scripture or do we read to prove a theological, often legalistic point?
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